The Solar AllianceTalents Universe Series 3

Parallel story to The Apprentice’s Talent and The Journeyman’s Talent, mostly set in the Mid West of Ireland. Earth has cracked the problem of Fusion power and has the “Secret” of how a “Jump Drive” for a starship works. But what does the shadowy New World Order conspiracy want?

As a result of the visit of the alien starship, the Intergal One, Earth has diverted all military, aerospace and technical research budgets into building fusion power stations and starships. Major Governments have avoided the UN by creating the Solar Alliance to manage this.

© 2017 & 2021 by Ray McCarthy

Released on the 23rd of January 2017, corrections April 2021
About 137K words

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In this series:

The Apprentice’s Talent The Journeyman’s Talent The Solar Alliance Starship Chief The Master’s Talent The Legal Talent The Mission’s Talent